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Couple Meditating on the Beach


To teach and provide the Mindfit4Life and Emotional Fitness® strategies and approaches, empowering all people to live their most favorable health & wellness, inner balanced life in the present moment.


To join a whole community practicing Mindfit4Life Strategies & Emotional Fitness® Life

Swimming pool shower
Swimming pool shower

Core Values

  • Authentic- being the truest and most happiest version of myself with a strong sense of inner balance & wellness

  • Clarity- the quality of being clear, true, authentic & open with myself and within my relationships

  • Discovery- the process of self-awareness & openness to be on my inner journey for life

  • Faith- complete trust in the process that leads me to living the best and most fulfilled life imaginable

  • Hope- the desire & hope that something wonderful is happening for me and others

  • Trust- The unwavering belief that there is enough inner wisdom,  ability & strength within to carry me through life with a sense of inner wellness


The Approach of the 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness® is the sole basis of all our courses, workshops, training programs and one-on-one sessions with practitioners. We believe that in each person lies the answers to his/her problems. In a powerful way, individuals listen deeply to what is going on inside, make desired changes and progress onward with new personalized action plans.

Man with outstretched arms, head tilted upwards and a Landscape with lake in the background.

Emotional Fitness® Life offers training guaranteed to help the individual who wants to personally feel better about his/her life at home/work/play, as well as supporting the business enterprise that values human worth and wants to create an atmosphere of leadership, support and growth.

As practitioners, we abstain from offering suggestions, advice, criticism or guidance. Rather, each person is supported through deep listening which is sure to bring clarity to the mind and connect to the innate wisdom where answers reside.

‘Warren Redman has drawn on nearly thirty years experience as a psychotherapist, personal development trainer, coach, & lifelong learner to produce a book of immense significance and value to people who seek greater personal fulfilment.’ p. 20-22 The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness®     

Born in England, Warren Redman, a psychotherapist for nearly 35 years, spent much time conducting his own research in proving the efficacy of the Emotional Fitness® Approach.   'Influenced by some of the finest teachers and thinkers of the last fifty years, Redman created a synthesis of the nine steps for a new century that has already seen enormous upheaval....This book is a practical guide for a life of meaning, fulfilment and happiness.'  Warren moved to Canada in the mid 90s and presently resides in southeast, NB with his wife, Nicole. He continues to be involved in sharing his work through the Emotional Fitness® Institute Incorporated.  

                      The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness®   P. 20-22 The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness®

1-  Listening Power: ‘…listen more deeply to others & to yourself…’
2-  Learning From Experience: ‘…discover more about your experiences and what you have learned from them.’
3-  Lifescale:  ‘…unlock the door to your understanding of what brings you satisfaction and frustration.’
4-  Time Capsule:  ‘…connect your present self with your past and even your future…become your own personal guide.’
5-  Group Dialogue:  ‘…how to communicate and especially how to listen and to help others listen to each other.’
6-  Storytelling:  ‘..access your own inner stories & gain a greater understanding of yourself..not only..the past, but now’
7-  Dreamtime:  ‘…learn to access your dreams…enabling you to understand your own meanings from the symbols…’
8-  Mirror:  ‘…will bring you face-to-face with yourself…you will be seeing the new you emerge.’ 
9-  Connections: ‘…enable you to move forward to achieve long lasting emotional fitness.’    

Book: The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness by Warren Redman

Discover Emotional Fitness & Mindfit4Life™ Strategies Rooted in Wholistic Health Approaches

Licensed member & Board Director of the Emotional Fitness Institute. - High Level Coaching & Mentorship Programs Available


© 2024 by MindFit4Life     & Vivre Emotional Fitness® Life

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