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L'histoire complète


Landscape with lake
Couple Meditating on the Beach


Enseigner et fournir la méthode Emotional Fitness®, permettant à toutes les personnes de vivre leur santé et leur bien-être les plus favorables, une vie intérieure équilibrée dans le moment présent.

Blog....I know what it feels like to have everything around you crumble... or at least feel as though it is crumbling!!! In my 55 years of living, I have gone through being a 'yes' person, having the mindset that it is my responsibility to save and protect those around me, experiencing extreme sadness followed by a burnout, took everyone's words and actions personally, assumed the worse, had emotional highs and lows without understanding what was going on, wrestled with a deep anger, endured a major injury to my lower lumbar brought about by protecting a blind person from getting seriously hurt or worse, had difficulty following through with my great big ideas/visions, left a high paying teaching job in the hopes of making it as an entrepreneur while experiencing ongoing setbacks ...on and on. But through it all, I persevered in trying to understand myself better and why I felt so emotionally unsettled. It took years of deeply listening to myself. Sounds cliché? Well, I didn't even know what I was doing, I just knew that I needed to take the time with myself to better understand myself and why I was where I was. I remember my acupuncturist telling me: 'If your beliefs don't serve you then you need to get rid of them!" This made a lot of sense. I managed to release a lot of shit! I took the time to better understand the emotional and mental selves and how they work together. Today, I am emotionally balanced because I continue to practice what I share with everyone.


Here is a perfect example of going through trials and remaining inner balanced // emotionally and mentally well:


Pour rejoindre toute une communauté pratiquant Emotional Fitness® Life

Swimming pool shower
Swimming pool shower

Valeurs fondamentales

  • Attentif - prêter une attention particulière à moi-même et à mes relations

  • Clarté - la qualité d'être authentique et affirmatif avec moi-même et dans mes relations

  • Découverte - le processus de découverte et de découverte de moi-même et d'avoir des moments aha

  • Foi - confiance totale en moi et dans le processus de la méthode Emotional Fitness®

  • Espoir - désirer et s'attendre à ce que quelque chose de merveilleux se produise pour moi et pour les autres

  • Confiance - croire en mes capacités et ma force et les avantages de la méthode Emotional Fitness®


L'approche des 9 étapes de la forme émotionnelle® est la base unique de tous nos cours, ateliers, programmes de formation et séances individuelles avec des praticiens. Nous croyons qu'en chaque personne se trouvent les réponses à ses problèmes. D'une manière puissante, les individus écoutent profondément ce qui se passe à l'intérieur, apportent les changements souhaités et progressent avec de nouveaux plans d'action personnalisés.

Landscape with lake

Emotional Fitness® Life offre une formation garantie pour aider l'individu qui veut personnellement se sentir mieux dans sa vie à la maison/au travail/au jeu, ainsi que pour soutenir l'entreprise commerciale qui valorise la valeur humaine et veut créer une atmosphère de leadership, de soutien et la croissance.


En tant que praticiens, nous nous abstenons d'offrir des suggestions, des conseils, des critiques ou des conseils. Au contraire, chaque personne est soutenue par une écoute profonde qui est sûre d'apporter de la clarté à l'esprit et de se connecter à la sagesse innée où résident les réponses.

‘Warren Redman has drawn on nearly thirty years experience as a psychotherapist, personal development trainer, coach, & lifelong learner to produce a book of immense significance and value to people who seek greater personal fulfilment.’ p. 20-22 The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness®     


Born in England, Warren Redman, a psychotherapist for nearly 35 years, spent much time conducting his own research in proving the efficacy of the Emotional Fitness® Approach.   'Influenced by some of the finest teachers and thinkers of the last fifty years, Redman created a synthesis of the nine steps for a new century that has already seen enormous upheaval....This book is a practical guide for a life of meaning, fulfilment and happiness.'  Warren moved to Canada in the mid 90s and presently resides in southeast, NB with his wife, Nicole. He continues to be involved in sharing his work through the Emotional Fitness® Institute Incorporated.  

                      The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness®   P. 20-22 The 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness®

1-  Listening Power: ‘…listen more deeply to others & to yourself…’
2-  Learning From Experience: ‘…discover more about your experiences and what you have learned from them.’
3-  Lifescale:  ‘…unlock the door to your understanding of what brings you satisfaction and frustration.’
4-  Time Capsule:  ‘…connect your present self with your past and even your future…become your own personal guide.’
5-  Group Dialogue:  ‘…how to communicate and especially how to listen and to help others listen to each other.’
6-  Storytelling:  ‘..access your own inner stories & gain a greater understanding of yourself..not only..the past, but now’
7-  Dreamtime:  ‘…learn to access your dreams…enabling you to understand your own meanings from the symbols…’
8-  Mirror:  ‘…will bring you face-to-face with yourself…you will be seeing the new you emerge.’ 
9-  Connections: ‘…enable you to move forward to achieve long lasting emotional fitness.’    

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